I realize full well that it's nice to be able to reverse the course of a drop-down list that is collapsing or expanding.
However, I think that the code to reverse the course of the animation should only run in cases where the user is clicking on the button or maybe using Alt-Up/Down.
The code in closeDropDown: function() starts out this way:
closeDropDown: function() { if (this.behavior._dropDownAnimation && this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.get_isAnimating()) { this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.stop(); this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.onEnd(); this.openDropDown(); return; }
That's the code that reverses the course of the animation.
closeDropDown gets called from spots like __closeOnListBlur, though, and if a blur event happens to close in time to any other reason for closing the list (selection, for example), then it reverses course.
On a blur event, though, we just want it to keep closing, not bounce back.
I mention it because we have a spot where the selection and blur are fighting. The "bounce back" is not visible but keeps the behavior.get_visible() in the wrong state, occasionally causing effects like not opening the drop-down list when asked, and closing it right after opening.
I'd suggest maybe adding something like a canReverse parameter, which gets passed as true, e.g. make it this.openDropDown(true) in the __onMouseupHandler, and then rewriting the starts of openDropDown and closeDropDown somewhat like this:
closeDropDown: function(canReverse) {
if (canReverse && this.behavior._dropDownAnimation &&
this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.get_isAnimating()) { this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.stop(); this.behavior._dropDownAnimation.onEnd(); this.openDropDown(); return; }
In the meantime, I'll probably have to disable the animations to get consistent functionality.
--=- Ritchie Annand
Thank you. EnableAnimations = false saved my problems with closing the dropdown.
Hello Ritchie,
Your suggestion was reported to the development team.
Thank you once agin for your cooperation.
Thank you for your suggestion. We will review it.