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InitializeRow values ignored during postback

It appear values set in the InitializeRow event during postback are not reflected on the client.

We have grid bound to an object datasource and some of the boolean columns are show with images. We have implemented this by setting the CssClass in the initialize row event. like this:










protected void UsersGrid_InitializeRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e)




UpdateUser u = ((UpdateUser)e.Row.DataItem);



GridRecordItem it = e.Row.Items[3]; // IsOnline

it.CssClass = u.IsOnline ?

"tdImgOK" : "" ;

it.Text =


it = e.Row.Items[4]; 

// IsApproved

it.CssClass = u.IsApproved ?

"tdImgOK" : "tdImgStop";

it.Text =


... etc.

We use a webdialog to edit a row, when the user click OK, the row is updated via


The update works fine but our images are no longer displayed but instead the value of the cell, e.g. true/false.

If traced it down and although the InitializeRow event is fired, the updates are never reflected on the client. I can change any columns value but nothing happens. I have tried with and without viewstate/dataviewstate enabled but this makes no difference.

How can I solve this problem ?
