I have 5 WebDialogWindow controls in my web form. I can only get 3 of them working properly and the other 2 give some funny problems.
First Problem :
Me.WebDialogWindowTreatmentAuthorization.WindowState = Infragistics.Web.UI.LayoutControls.DialogWindowState.Normal
The above statement doesn't fire the popup. I put a breakpoint on it and it did execute the statement.
Second Problem:
The close button on the webdialogwindow doesn't fire when clicked though the tooltips does display when the cursor is moved over it. The form was set to moveable and modal, but both don't work on this popup only.
Have tried to recreate thouse 2 WebDialogWindows but still giving the same issues., Tried to rearrange the sequence of appearance in the web forms, and I got them working, but the rest doesn't work any more. Move back to the original position, and the other 3 seems to be working again and the two giving same problems like before.
I was wondering is there a more simple way to open a dialog using only one line in a button: onclick + ID + visibility command? Without creating a function for every single dialog, I have tens of them in my app.
This is how I do it in Dojo:
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" onclick="dijit.byId('dialog1').show()">Button name..</button>
<div dojoType="dijit.Dialog" id="dialog1">dialogcontents...</div>
Splendid! This works nicely on my test site and now I'll put it to the main application.
This kind of things should be covered clearly in Infragistics documentation - the placing of widgets for dummies :)
BIG thanks! ;)
First start a new web site in Visual studio, and enable Application Styling. You do this by selection Application Styling
Configuration from the Tools menu. In the dialg box click on the 'Enable Application Styling for this Project', this will fill
in the two fields for StyleSet and StyleSet Path. Click on 'Import StyleSets' and this will import the necessary CSS and image
files into a new directory on your web site (called /ig_res).
Then in the head section insert this script
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenWindowTest(){ var dialog = $find("WebDialogTest"); dialog.show(); return false; } </script>
In the body of the web page insert this code
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Open Dialog" OnClientClick="OpenWindowTest()" UseSubmitBehavior="false" /> <cc1:WebDialogWindow ID="WebDialogTest" runat="server" WindowState="Hidden" Height="300px" Width="400px" InitialLocation="Centered" Modal="true" StyleSetName="Default" StyleSetPath="~/ig_res/" > <Header CaptionText="Window Title" CaptionAlignment="Center"> </Header> </cc1:WebDialogWindow>
Run the web page, and you should see a button that when clicked will bring up a modal dialog window.
You can then place other controls or text inside the dialog window. Note that these need to be inside the following tags in the
dialog window.
<ContentPane> <Template> Put the controls or text here </Template> </ContentPane>
Note that you should check out the other posts in this section, for a script that was supplied to me by Tony Lambardi (infragistics) to overcome problems with some controls such as the calendar inside dialog windows.
Hope the above helps you get the Dialog Windows working.
Samsonca, please post a complete sample code for the button and the script. I'm a simple UI designer who knows very little about coding but I have to make UI's anyway... I've been looking for an easy way to laungh Web DialogWindows and this looks good.
I have six dialog windows on a single web page, but I am using javascript to open them in modal state.
For example with a web button I use the MouseDown event to trigger the javascript
Are you opening all the windows in Modeless or Modal state ?
Let me know, as I have had other problems with the WebImageViewer inside a WebDialog.