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Binding to Self-Related Data?

I know i can bind to Self-Related Data in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid, but is it possible to do in the WebDataMenu? 

Here's the Data Structure I have...

ID          PARENT              URL                     NAME

1             NULL                  <url>                   SomeName

2             NULL                  <url>                   SomeName

3             NULL                  <url>                   SomeName

30          3                           <url>                   SomeName

31          3                           <url>                   SomeName

4             NULL                  <url>                   SomeName

And so on...

Is there an easy way to set up binding for this in the WebDataMenu?

I have another way of formatting the data (which I'll ask in a separate question)


  • 4493
    Verified Answer


    You can achieve your task using the WebHierarchicalDataSource. Please take a look at the attached sample page.

    Here is what I did to acomplish this task:

    1. Created a SQL Server self related table:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SelfRelatedData](
     [Id] [int] NOT NULL,
     [ParentId] [int] NULL,
     [Text] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
     [NavigateUrl] [nvarchar](512) NULL,
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (1, NULL, N'File', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (2, NULL, N'Edit', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (3, NULL, N'Help', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (4, 1, N'Open', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (5, 1, N'New', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (6, 1, N'Close', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (7, 1, N'Exit', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (8, 2, N'Cut', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (9, 2, N'Copy', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (10, 2, N'Paste', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (11, 3, N'Online Help', NULL)
    INSERT [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id], [ParentId], [Text], [NavigateUrl]) VALUES (12, 3, N'About', NULL)

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] 
     ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_SelfRelatedData_SelfRelatedData]
          FOREIGN KEY([ParentId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[SelfRelatedData] ([Id])

    2. Created 2 SQL Data Source control on the page (1 that takes only root data, and 1 that takes all the data)

    3. Created WebHeirarchicalDataSource and convigured its views properly to use the 2 SQL DataSources

    4. Created WebDataMenu that is bound to the WebHierarchicalDataSource, and set its DataMenuItemBinding settings accordingly:

    Hope this helps!

    14:     <ig:WebDataMenu  runat="server"  ID="wdMain"  DataSourceID="WebHierarchicalDataSource"> 
    15:         <DataBindings> 
    16:             <ig:DataMenuItemBinding  DataMember="vRoot"  TextField="Text"  NavigateUrlFields="NavigateUrl"  /> 
    17:             <ig:DataMenuItemBinding  DataMember="vChild"  TextField="Text"  NavigateUrlFields="NavigateUrl"  /> 
    18:         </DataBindings> 
    19:     </ig:WebDataMenu> 

    26:         <ig:WebHierarchicalDataSource  ID="WebHierarchicalDataSource"  runat="server"> 
    27:             <DataViews> 
    28:                 <ig:DataView  ID="vRoot"  
    29:                     DataSourceID="SqlDsSelfRelatedDataRoot"   /> 
    30:                 <ig:DataView  ID="vChild" 
    31:                     DataSourceID="SqlDsSelfRelatedDataChild"  /> 
    32:             </DataViews> 
    33:             <DataRelations> 
    34:                 <ig:DataRelation  ParentDataViewID="vRoot"  
    35:                     ParentColumns="Id"  ChildDataViewID="vChild"  
    36:                     ChildColumns="ParentId"  /> 
    37:             </DataRelations> 
    38:         </ig:WebHierarchicalDataSource> 

    20:         <asp:SqlDataSource  ID="SqlDsSelfRelatedDataRoot"  runat="server"  
    21:             ConnectionString="  <%  $  ConnectionStrings:IGDemosConnectionString  %>  "  
    22:             SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [SelfRelatedData] WHERE ParentId IS NULL"></asp:SqlDataSource> 
    23:         <asp:SqlDataSource  ID="SqlDsSelfRelatedDataChild"  runat="server"  
    24:             ConnectionString="  <%  $  ConnectionStrings:IGDemosConnectionString  %>  "  
    25:             SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [SelfRelatedData]"></asp:SqlDataSource>