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User Control Losing Focus on WebExplorerBar

I have added a WebExplorerBar to a page.  For each ExplorerBarGroup, the item is a user control that I created.  I have gotten it to the point that it loads properly.  Now, when I click on a text-field in one of the user controls, it immediately loses focus.  I can't figure out how to maintain the focus on the object that is clicked on. 

I think this is probably a fairly simple setting on the bar or the group or the item, but I'm not sure.  Please help. 

Here is the explorer bar code (please note, I've tried this with and without the AutoPostBackFlags tag and get the same result either way):






















































<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="newStationExplorerBar" runat="server" Width="988px" GroupContentsHeight="" >



<AutoPostBackFlags ItemClick="Off" ItemSelected ="Off" />







<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Distributor">












<uc1:ucDistInfo ID="ucDistInfo1" runat="server" />

















<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Station" >












<uc2:ucStationInfo ID="ucStationInfo1" runat="server" />
















<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Site Survey">












<uc3:ucSiteSurvey ID="ucSiteSurvey1" runat="server" />















<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Covered Station Schedule">












<uc4:ucCoveredStationSchedule ID="ucCoveredStationSchedule1" runat="server"/>















<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Contract Amendment">












<uc5:ucContractAmendment ID="ucContractAmendment1" runat="server" />





















<ExpandButton AltText="Expand button"></ExpandButton>



<CollapseButton AltText="Collapse button"></CollapseButton>






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