I have a template data field in a WebDataGrid. In the template is a button and when the user clicks on the button, I want to display the contents of a hidden column (I do not want to go back to the server for this data). I have this code for my template field:
<ig:TemplateDataField Key="NotesButton">
<input runat="server" type="button" value="Notes" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTShowNotes()" />
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="asp but" OnClientClick="BLOCKED SCRIPTShowNotes()" />
And the following for my Javascript.
function ShowNotes(webDataGrid, evntArgs) {
var grid = $find("<%= grdSchedule.ClientID %>");
var activeRow = grid.get_behaviors().get_activation().get_activeCell().get_row();
return false;
The event fires but i suspect that there is no active row since there is no row selected. How do i get the data from a cell of the row that contains the templated data field without making the user select the row first?