Hello all,
I have a webdatepicker in my page.If the control is on top of the page the calendar
dropdown is displayed when clicked.But if I use the control on bottom of the page say
after the scrollbar to go down to the page then this calendar dropdown doesn't get
displayed at all.We have to enter the date manually without picking.
Could anyone help to fix this issue?
ig1:WebDatePicker ID="txtDisbursementpaid" runat="server" DisplayModeFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" Nullable="False">
<Buttons SpinButtonsDisplay="OnRight" ></Buttons>
Hello ssvan, I tested this. It looks like on placing WebDataPicker at the bottom of the page and on clicking the same, page size is increased and a scroller is displayed with WebMonthCalendar just below the WebDatePicker. Please use the mouse scroller to scroll down the page and select date from month calendar.
Thank you