Hi,I'm using Infragistics version '6.2.20062.1054' in an ASP .NET Web Application (CLR 2.0).In the application, I use a piechart in one of the pages. A problem occurs when using tooltips on the PieChart3D.I want to display the ITEM_LABELs as tooltips. So I set the object 'myUltraChart' of type Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebChart.UltraChart' as followsmyUltraChart.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.PieChart3D;myUltraChart.Format = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TooltipStyle.Custom;myUltraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>";and then set its DataSource to a DataSet with one table with 2 columns, first with string text and second with numbers.and then finally I DataBind() the UltraChart.Besides these, I've set some styling properties in the .aspx side (axis, etc.).The piechart comes up fine with the data & it’s legend BUT the tooltips comes up blank.The ITEM_LABEL, DATA_VALUE, PERCENT_VALUE, etc. are diplayed fine in the legend of the chart just as I’ve formatted them.I changed the ChartType from 'PieChart3D' to 'PieChart' and then the ITEM_LABEL Tooltip came up fine.I changed the ChartType back to 'PieChart3D' and then changed the FormatString of the UltraChart as:myUltraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "SERIES_LABEL: '<SERIES_LABEL>'\nITEM_LABEL: '<ITEM_LABEL>'\nPERCENT_VALUE: '<PERCENT_VALUE>'\nDATA_VALUE: '<DATA_VALUE>'";After this, the SERIES_LABEL & ITEM_LABEL come up blank as before, where as I get correct values for PERCENT_VALUE and DATA_VALUE.Is this a known issue with ToolTips & PieChart3D in Infragistics version 6.2.20062.1054 ?Or are ITEM_LABELs not allowed for use in Tooltips with ChartType of PieChart3D ?Or am I doing something wrong here ?Please feel free to ask for any more information if required. I appreciate your help.Waiting,
This should be addressed in the latest available hotfix for 6.2. You can download it from our website:https://ko.infragistics.com/my-account/keys-and-downloads