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Web Explorer Bar Databinding with Security Trimming.


I have web explorer bar in a user control and it has a data source of the Web.Sitemap file.

The web explorer bar works absolutely fine, but I am having problems displaying / hiding menus based on the user roles.

For e.g.: I have a menu item called "Users" and if that menu item does not have any rule in Web.Sitemap then it would appear in the web explorer bar, but as soon as I add some rule to it, the menu disappears. Please look at the code below.

<siteMapNode title="Users" rule="ShowAppAdminUI">
            <siteMapNode title="Manage User Roles" description="Manage User Roles" url="~/User/ListUsers.aspx" rule="ShowAppAdminUI" />

I have made sure that I belong to the roles that are defined in the rule "ShowAppAdminUI".

Can someone please help?


  • 310
    Verified Answer

    Found a solution to the problem mentioned above.

    On page_load event, I added the following line:

    webexFirmStructure.Attributes.Add("securityTrimmingEnabled", "true");

    This seems to work absolutely fine, but I was just wondering should I be able to see this property in "Property Explorer" of the web explorer bar control?



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