Hi all,
We have a WebDataTree which is within an UpdatePanel, all works extremely well apart from if the tree gets heavily populated with nodes and ends up scrolling down the page. In this instance, if a user then scrolls down to select a node at the bottom and clicks, the tree scrolls up immediately and the wrong node is actually selected.
I did search around on here and saw 2 threads from 2009 which related to a known developer bug it states which would be fixed in a service release. Is anyone else exhibiting the same behavior on latest release (CLR3.5, 2009)
Thank you
I have found a solution which works in our situation, if i do not set a width or a heigh property for the tree, then assign a cssclass defined as
overflow: hidden !important;
then it works fine. The !important is important as the inline style being generated by the treeview sets overflow to auto which then shows scrollbars.
Are we any closer on this yet? It's becoming a real issue for us at the moment and we're looking at alternatives to infragistics because of issues like this?
Hi barton31,
I've created a support ticket on your behalf : CAS-51080-8FHMFX. I'm able to replicate the issue I will log it with our developers. As soon as the issue is resolved you will be get notified.
Thanks for your feedback and appology for this.
I'm running release 2137 which says it fixes it, but alas the problem is still there.
Here's the definition for the tree
<ig:WebDataTree ID="wdtCase" runat="server" Height="100%" Width="100%" ClientEvents-NodeClick="NodeClickHandler"
EnableConnectorLines="True" onnodeclick="wdtCase_NodeClick" BorderStyle="None">
<AutoPostBackFlags NodeClick="On" />
<ClientEvents Initialize="InitializeHandler" NodeClick="NodeClickHandler" NodeCollapsed="NodeCollapsedHandler"
NodeCollapsing="NodeCollapsingHandler" NodeExpanded="NodeExpandedHandler" NodeExpanding="NodeExpandingHandler"
NodeHovered="NodeHoveredHandler" NodeUnhovered="NodeUnhoveredHandler" NodePopulated="NodePopulatedHandler"
NodePopulating="NodePopulatingHandler" CheckBoxSelectionChanged="NodeCheckBoxSelectionChangedHandler"
ActivationChanged="NodeActivationChangedHandler" ActivationChanging="NodeActivationChangingHandler"
SelectionChanged="NodeSelectionChangedHandler" SelectionChanging="NodeSelectionChangingHandler" />
<AjaxIndicator AltText="Async post" />
nodes are added at runtime, using nodes.Add to the root node (or a child).
Nothing extravagant, but still jumps to top on clicking when scrolled down window.
Hello barond31,
A similar issue was resolved in the latest service release : "The control scrolls back on top of the page." Could you download it please form our website.
Hope this helps.