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AutoCrud - bind after cell edit

Working with the WebDataGrid I observed that if is edited o cell before databind, that cell/row isn't completed. After an another postback is completed. Do you met something like this? I use ObjectDataSource. Can you help?

Thank you in advance,


  • 7566

    Hello Lidia,


    Thank you for posting in our community. Here I will add a sample with WebDataGrid and ObjectDataSource. Over the grid there is a button doing DataBind() onclick. You can download the sample and review it. If you have further questions with this matter do not hesitate to contact me.

    If your scenario is different than this. Can you modify the sample in the way issue to be reproducible?


    Looking forward hearing from you.



    Georgi Sashev

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
