After upgrading to 2010.2.20102.2091 the ultragauge doesn't display well and can´t find why.
I attach a printscreen of the gauge I get and paste a copy of the gauge preset.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--<PresetInfo PresetName="gauge" PresetDescription="elgauge" PresetType="All" />--><igGauge:UltraGauge BitMapSize="174, 174" BackColor="#F5FFFA" ToolTip="Margen Bruto - ARGENTINA"> <Gauges> <igGaugeProp:RadialGauge Bounds="14, 26, 145, 145" MarginString="2, 2, 2, 2, Pixels" Key="radial"> <Dial> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:MultiStopRadialGradientBrushElement> <ColorStops> <igGaugeProp:ColorStop Color="161, 161, 161" /> <igGaugeProp:ColorStop Color="96, 96, 96" /> <igGaugeProp:ColorStop Color="89, 89, 89" /> </ColorStops> </igGaugeProp:MultiStopRadialGradientBrushElement> </BrushElements> <StrokeElement Color="Navy"> <BrushElements /> </StrokeElement> </Dial> <Scales> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeScale StartAngle="110" EndAngle="430"> <MajorTickmarks Frequency="509383.34097903094" StartExtent="85"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="Black" /> </BrushElements> </MajorTickmarks> <MinorTickmarks Frequency="50938.334097903091" StartExtent="100" EndExtent="95"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="Black" /> </BrushElements> </MinorTickmarks> <Labels Orientation="Horizontal" Frequency="509383.34097903094" Extent="65" EqualFontScaling="True" Font="Tahoma, 5pt"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="White" /> </BrushElements> </Labels> <Markers> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeNeedle StartExtent="-20" MidExtent="0" EndExtent="65" StartWidth="5" MidWidth="3" EndWidth="1" WidthMeasure="Percent" ValueString="17000000" PrecisionString="1"> <Anchor RadiusMeasure="Percent"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SimpleGradientBrushElement GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="Gainsboro" EndColor="64, 64, 64" /> </BrushElements> <StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:RadialGradientBrushElement CenterColor="Gray" SurroundColor="WhiteSmoke" /> </BrushElements> </StrokeElement> </Anchor> <StrokeElement Thickness="0" Color="255, 197, 204"> <BrushElements /> </StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="255, 197, 104" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeNeedle> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeNeedle StartExtent="-20" MidExtent="0" EndExtent="65" StartWidth="5" MidWidth="3" EndWidth="1" WidthMeasure="Percent" ValueString="13404824,7626061" PrecisionString="1"> <Anchor RadiusMeasure="Percent"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SimpleGradientBrushElement GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="Gainsboro" EndColor="64, 64, 64" /> </BrushElements> <StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:RadialGradientBrushElement CenterColor="Gray" SurroundColor="WhiteSmoke" /> </BrushElements> </StrokeElement> </Anchor> <StrokeElement Thickness="0" Color="0, 0, 0, 100"> <BrushElements /> </StrokeElement> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="0, 0, 0, 0" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeNeedle> </Markers> <Ranges> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="9651473,82907638" EndValueString="10723859,8100849"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SimpleGradientBrushElement GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="255, 0, 200" EndColor="255, 0, 0" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="10723859,8100849" EndValueString="12064342,2863455"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SimpleGradientBrushElement GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="255, 255, 200" EndColor="255, 255, 0" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange> <igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="12064342,2863455" EndValueString="14745307,2388667"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SimpleGradientBrushElement GradientStyle="BackwardDiagonal" StartColor="0, 128, 200" EndColor="0, 128, 0" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange> </Ranges> <BrushElements /> <Axes> <igGaugeProp:NumericAxis StartValue="9651473.8290763758" EndValue="14745307.238866685" /> </Axes> </igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeScale> </Scales> <Annotations> <igGaugeProp:BoxAnnotation> <Label FormatString="Margen Bruto - ARGENTINA" Font="Tahoma, 8pt"> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="255, 255, 255" /> </BrushElements> </Label> <BrushElements> <igGaugeProp:SolidFillBrushElement Color="0, 175, 0" /> </BrushElements> </igGaugeProp:BoxAnnotation> </Annotations> <BrushElements /> </igGaugeProp:RadialGauge> </Gauges> <Effects /> <Annotations /></igGauge:UltraGauge>
Hi Ricardo,
I have created a WebGauge according to your code in both 10.2 and in 9.2 and they looked similar. they are both similar to the image that you attached.
What is the version you upgraded from? Also do you have a screen shot of the Gauge before the upgrade.
Hi Magued,
I upgraded from 8.2.
Here it's how it looked before the upgrade:
I am not able to reproduce the issue in 8.2
I am getting the same display using 8.2 as in version 10.2. I am including a small sample please download and uncompress. In the attached sample I have a WebGauge that is implemented using your code.
Please download and test the sample and send me what results do you get.
I am attaching the sample.
I solved the first part of the problem.
I tried the sample and I obtained the same display in 8.2 as in 10.2 too. So I saved the preset generated by the application on the machine where it is working and compared with the one generated on my computer, the diference between them is the decimal separator on the "*ValueString" attributes. Changing the ',' for '.' will make the sample work.
Now I will introduce the second part of the problem.
Context: I create the Gauge on an application, send its preset (the one I posted at first) as a stream to a client application so it shows the gauge.
Right now I have both applications deployed on the same computer and have no cultureinfo settings explicitly set on any of them.
I tried setting a breakpoint on the SavePreset and LoadPreset lines checked the System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture and found that it is the same on both.
So the question is why it saves it with ',' while it works only with '.'.
Can you modify the sample to reproduce the issue you are having? And give me more information regarding the steps to reproduce the issue.
In the attachment you will find a small vs2010 project where I reproduce the issue.
It is not exactly the same context where I am working but the problem is the same, I create an UltraGauge using code, save its preset and load it on another instance.
Once you run the application you should see 4 UltraGauges:
1 - The one created using code displayed fine.
2 - This one loads the stream preset obtained from the first one.
3 - This one loads the xml preset obtained from the first one.
4 - This one loads the preset from ModifiedGaugePreset.xml which is the same as the xml used in 3 with the following changes:
Line: 60
Line: 80
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="9651473,82907638" EndValueString="10723859,8100849">'
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="9651473.82907638" EndValueString="10723859.8100849">'
Line: 85
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="10723859,8100849" EndValueString="12064342,2863455">'
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="10723859.8100849" EndValueString="12064342.2863455">'
Line: 90
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="12064342,2863455" EndValueString="14745307,2388667">'
'<igGaugeProp:RadialGaugeRange StartValueString="12064342.2863455" EndValueString="14745307.2388667">'
Despite of the size, it displays well.
Thank you for your interest in our issue. We appreciate a quick resolution.
I created a private case and linked it to a development issue. You will be notified automatically when a resolution is found.
I am able to reproduce the issue when setting Formats set to Spanish(Uruguay). We are working on a resolution.
I am still struggling with this issue.
In fact I don't have much idea where to look at... I suspect it has something to do with culture info but without much proof of it... I already mentioned it but I am using Windows 7 Ultimate with Formats set to Spanish(Uruguay) and tried with DisplayLanguage set to English and to Spanish... System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture is {es-UY} at the time I save or load the gauge preset.
Have you been able to run the sample under this configuration?
If you discard a culture info issue, what would you suggest as the next step?
I am following up with you and if the issue is resolved.