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Hi Mike,

Kindly Provide the soln of the problem explained in the attached doc file.

Its urgent.


  • 250

    Following is the code for report printing.

    protected void UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1_BeginExport(object sender, DocumentExportEventArgs e)
            // Add a title to the report
            ReportText.IText heading = e.Section.AddText();
            ReportText.Style headingStyle = new ReportText.Style(new    Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Font("Tahoma", 16), Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Brushes.Crimson);
            heading.AddContent("Activity For Specified Period ", headingStyle);

            heading.Alignment = Infragistics.Documents.Report.TextAlignment.Center;
            heading.AddContent("Printed By: Optimal Infotech Pvt Ltd ", headingStyle);
            heading.Margins.Bottom = 15;

            // Add a caption with some more information
            ReportText.IText caption = e.Section.AddText();
            ReportText.Style captionStyle = new ReportText.Style(new Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Font("Tahoma", 12), Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Brushes.Black);
            caption.AddContent("Buyer:", captionStyle);
            caption.AddContent("Merchandiser:", captionStyle);
            caption.AddContent("User:", captionStyle);
            caption.AddContent("From Date:", captionStyle);
            caption.AddContent("To Date:", captionStyle);
            caption.Margins.Bottom = 15;

            // Get a reference to the section's PageNumbering object.
            Infragistics.Documents.Report.Section.PageNumbering pn = e.Section.PageNumbering;

            //Add a Footer to the report
            e.Section.PageMargins.All = 40;

            // Create a style for the page numbering font.
            pn.Style = new Infragistics.Documents.Report.Text.Style(Fonts.Arial, Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Brushes.Black);

            // The Template property is the actual string that shows the page numbering. Use the [Page #] place-
            // holder for the current page and the [TotalPages] place-holder for the total amount of pages in the entire document.
            pn.Template = "Page [Page #] of [TotalPages]";

            // The page numbering will be aligned with the right side of the page. Valid values off the
            // Alignment enum include Left, Center, and Right.
            pn.Alignment.Horizontal = Infragistics.Documents.Report.Alignment.Right;
            // The page numbering will be located at the bottom of the page. Valid values off the Alignment enum include Top and Bottom.
            pn.Alignment.Vertical = Infragistics.Documents.Report.Alignment.Bottom;
            // The page numbering is at the extreme bottom of the page, so we need to change the Y Offset in order to bring it in line with the rest of
            // the page footer text.
            pn.OffsetY = -18;

            Infragistics.Documents.Report.Section.ISectionFooter footer = e.Section.AddFooter();
            footer.Height = 30;
            ReportText.IText text = footer.AddText(0, -18);
            text.AddContent(string.Format("Date printed: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")));

            // customize the grid for export
            //UltraWebGrid1.Columns.FromKey("CustomerID").Hidden = true;

    protected void btnexportpdf_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
                //// configure exporter
                UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.Format = FileFormat.PDF;
                UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.DownloadName = "ActSpecifiedPeriod.pdf";
                UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.TargetPaperOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
                UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.ExportMode = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.Exporter.ExportMode.Download;
                UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.AutoSizeRows = Infragistics.WebUI.Shared.DefaultableBoolean.True;
                // trigger export

            catch (Exception ex)
