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Template Field and Images

I have a multiview in my page, in the first view I have a grid with a template field, and some other bound fields, I load the grid in the page load and I can edit the selected record in the second view of the multiview not inline in the grid. The error happens when I hit cancel the operation, the first view is selected and the image in the template field is missing. When I looked at the source code of the page the imag has its attribute src="". Why is that?

Here is my code

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="gridUsuarios" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="99%" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                OnInitializeRow="gridUsuarios_InitializeRow" EnableDataViewState="True">
                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="IdUsuario" Hidden="True" Key="IdUsuario">
                        <Header Text="ID" />
                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Codigo" Key="Codigo" Width="100px">
                        <Header Text="Código" />

                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Nombre" Key="Nombre">
                        <Header Text="Nombre" />
                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Email" Key="Email">
                        <Header Text="Correo Electrónico" />

                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Perfil" Key="Perfil" Width="100px">
                        <Header Text="Perfil" />
                    <ig:TemplateDataField Key="Activo" Width="80px">
                            <asp:Image ID="imgActivo" runat="server" Width="15px" Height="15px" />
                        <Header Text="Activo" />
                    <ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single" Enabled="true">

                    <ig:RowSelectors Enabled="true">
                    <ig:Paging Enabled="true" PageSize="10">


And the codebehind:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (!IsPostBack)
            gridUsuarios.DataSource = GetData();

    protected void gridUsuarios_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs e)

        Image imagen = e.Row.Items[5].FindControl("imgActivo") as Image;
        if (((DatosUsuarios)e.Row.DataItem).Activo)
            imagen.ImageUrl = "~/Imagenes/Aceptar.png";
            imagen.ImageUrl = "~/Imagenes/Cancelar.png";


The first time the page is loaded


The error and the source


  • 523

    Is there any solution to this problem??? I've been waiting for weeks for an answer but nothing.

    Is always the support like this??? I am a customer of infragistics. Is there any "advantage" on support? Learn from Coolite, they are few but the support is fantastic.

    Please, say something.