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Infragistic UltraChart Auto Post Back Control


I'm currently develop a web page using Infragistic ( my first time using Infragistic) and I facing some problem regarding the UltraChart.

I'm creating my UltraChart using coding and it had successful created. But when I had my other web component(For example drop down list) post back , there is error PNG picture save in my ChartImages folder.  I do not want the error PNG to appear each time when I trigger post back by other web component. How can I do that? Need help on that.

FYI, my chart is created when a button is click.


  • 26458
    Offline posted

    While there's no way to simply not save the image on postback, even when there's an error message displayed in the chart, you can suppress the error message itself. For an empty chart, set EmptyChartText property to an empty string. For invalid data, handle InvalidDataReceived event and set e.Text to an empty string.