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Please help with web Ultra Chart

Hello: I am developing a web form where I have a chart and when I click on the different areas of the chart, I want to navigate to another page to show the detail of that specific clicked section. I cannot find any help with this and would much appreciate if someone can please help. Bellow are the code I am using to bind the chart to the data source: I also read the I am supposed to use the UltraChart1_ChartDataClicked event but please show me exactlly how to get the specific data and navigate to another URL. Thanks so much.


UltraChart1.DataSource =



KronosPortalManager.GetChartByProject("JRIT", (DateTime)StartDate.Value, (DateTime)EndDate.Value, "Administration"




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  • 26458
    Offline posted

    I'm not sure how you'll be embedding the URL in your data points, but if you need to take action when clicking on a data point, you can handle ChartDataClicked event and redirect from there.

    ultraChart1.ChartDataClicked += new ChartDataClickedEventHandler(ultraChart1_ChartDataClicked);

    void ultraChart1_ChartDataClicked(object sender, ChartDataEventArgs e)
        //navigate to a URL with Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect

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