I am using Grid chart . I have an issue while displaying the chart. I have attached a file that has a image of the chart that describes my issue very well.
Issue is Y axis values are below than the one of the bar in the bar chart. I want the y axis values to be displayed more than bar chart and the numbers to be dispalyed more than the heighest bar in the bar chart.
In the attached image one of the blue bars is having 200 value. but the values on the y axis are displayed till 190. but i want the values on y axis to be 115. How can we handle this issue?
Thanks and Regards,
I have tried by giving min/max/interval values from the datasource and i have given one interval more to the max value . So i am getting the graph with last label higher than the highest bar in the graph. it is becoming difficult to give good rounded interval. because the graph data may be 0 to 1 or it may be 1 to 10000 .but when we give the "smart" it will automatically evaluates the interval to good rounded values. I am able to give the value but its not good rounded value.So we are thinking of go with smart value even though the bar is coming higher than the highest label on right side. If you could provide a property or any work around in future releases that would be great.
I don't think you will have another option. Using Smart tickmarks doesn't really mean that the last label will be higher or equal to the highest data value. On the contraty, the idea behind the smart axis is to minimize empty space, while maximizing the space to draw the data and maintaining a round interval.
I think your best strategy at this point is to create a fairly simple method that takes in a minimum value and a maximum value that you calculate from the datasource and returns a set of min/max/interval values that you plug into the chart.
As for the decimal values being displayed, you can either format the labels to whole numbers only <DATA_VALUE:0> or return a smaller interval. You can also use Smart axis tickmarks with a custom range. Let me know if this is helpful.
Hi ,
I am already using AxisTickStyle.Smart instead of AxisRangeType.Custom for ultraChart1.Axis.Y.RangeType but still the bar chart is going more than the highest label displayed on the Y axis. I am attaching the image of the chart i am displaying so that you will understand better.
if we select ultraChart1.Axis.Y.RangeType = AxisRangeType.Custom; then we need to find out the min and max values for each chart. that will difficult as we are showing around 10 graphs. and if go for axisRangeType.Custom there is one drawback that is the labels on the y axis will be displayed in decimal values. but we want the values to be displayed in only integers.
Please give us a better solution.
It sounds like you're setting up an interval on your y axis. Are you doing something like this:ultraChart1.Axis.Y.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.DataInterval;ultraChart1.Axis.Y.TickmarkInterval = 25;
If so, you will have to also set a manual range:ultraChart1.Axis.Y.RangeMin = 15;ultraChart1.Axis.Y.RangeMax = 215;ultraChart1.Axis.Y.RangeType = AxisRangeType.Custom;
You can take it a step further and calculate min and max based on the values in your datasource. Or you can use AxisTickStyle.Smart instead of DataInterval and you should always be able to see the last label.
Hi, in the description above There is a mistake it is not 115 it is 215. after correction the sentence will be, "But i want the values on y axis to be 215". I want the display of y axis label values to be higher than all the bar values.