I guess with the Splitter control you can't postions controls within aka: relative or absolute even with a DIV tag, the slider does nothing but ignore the controls and slides underneath. I was hoping I didn't have to use tables etc... Please advise if anyone has a good solutions.
% size of WebSplitter as any other control is relative to its parent, but not to its content.
SplitterPane does not support adjustment of its outer size to size of content. It does opposite,- it adjusts size of content to size provided by its parent (like nested splitters).
I was hoping someone could tell me why my websplitter will not pick up its child controls sizes in order to adjust the splitter pane when the size of the websplitter is set at 100%?
In my previous response I forgot to include "overflow:auto;" (or hidden, or scroll) for wrapper div.
Actually you may set that "position:relative" attribute to default container-div of SplitterPane and in this case you will not need extra wrapper div. You may set that attribute globally for all splitters within ./ig_res/Defatult/ig_splitter.css->igspl_Pane{position:relative;}, or for individual pane using CssClass. Example for individual pane:
<head runat="server"><title>Untitled Page</title> <style type="text/css"> .rel{position:relative;} </style></head>
<ig:SplitterPane runat="server" CssClass="rel" > <Template> <span style="background:green;position:absolute;left:100px;top:100px;">Span</span> </Template></ig:SplitterPane>
Ok it tried it and the spliiter bar resizes the text and then as I keep sliding it eventually pops out and shows on the right pane anyway. I'll try some other things.
Thank you, I'll give it a try.