I cannot figure out how to set the value of a specific cell in a new row to the value of a variable. Any ideas? Thanks! Here's the code I have:
'Set the variable to the value of the first row, first column:BusinessName = grdDetail.DisplayLayout.Rows(0).Cells(1).ValuehfCellToFocus.Value = 1
grdDetail.Rows.FromKey(0).Cells(1).Text = BusinessName 'THIS DOESN'T WORK, I get a message that says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
End Sub
Please let me know more information on how you are adding the row and what your requirements are so that I can be of further assistance.
Thanks Valerie,
How do I code that? I've tried these with no luck...
grdDetail.Rows.FromDataKey(0) = sBusinessNamegrdDetail.Rows.FromDataKey("BusinessName") = sBusinessName
How does it know I want to set the "NEW" row BusinessName cell with the value of sBusinessName?
Your best option is to use the FromDataKey method or the index of the rows collection to find the row to update.
Please let me know if you have any questions.