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WebExcelExporter export Error

I'm getting an error with the WebExcelExporter.  Here's my code...

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" EnablePartialRendering="True" runat="server" />

<ig:WebDataGrid runat="server" ID="wdg_Report" Height="200px" Width="800px" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_utility_name" DataFieldName="vch_utility_name" Header-Text="Utility" />
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_account_number" DataFieldName="vch_account_number" Header-Text="Account Number" />
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_name_on_bill" DataFieldName="vch_name_on_bill" Header-Text="Name On Bill" />
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_status" DataFieldName="vch_status" Header-Text="Account Status" />
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_rate_code" DataFieldName="vch_rate_code" Header-Text="Rate Code" />
 <ig:BoundDataField Key="vch_agent_name" DataFieldName="vch_agent_name" Header-Text="Agent" />

<ig:WebExcelExporter runat="server" ID="wee_WebExcelExporter" ExportMode ="Download" DownloadName="ExportedData" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnExport" Text="Export Data" OnClick="btnExport_Click" />

code behind:

    Protected Sub btnExport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
    End Sub

When I click the "Export Data" button I'm getting a "Property evaluation failed" error on wdg_Report on this line:

I am able to download the spreadsheet though.  It downloads perfectly, but I'm getting the exception.  I'm running htis locally in the Visual Studio 2008 debugger, in case that makes a difference. 

The Infragistics version I'm using is:  Infragistics35.Web.v10.3

Any Ideas?