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Gridbinding issue


           I am using WebHierarchicalGrid to bind two table values form dataset. I have these two grid in two usercontrols within in two tabs of UltraWebTab.   I am getting grid binding issue in second tab sometimes.  The error message is  "Key:AlertId must be unique. The field objects in the grid must have non-empty unique keys assigned to the Key property."    AlertId is the primary key i am using to bind . can any body help. I am assigning DataKeyFields = "AlertId" in the grid attributes.



  • 100
    Offline posted

    I have the same problem.

    Since Infragistics are forcing this change from UltraWebGrid upon us by not making the UltraWebGrid cross-browser compatible I think at the very least they should be very helpful to all of us paying customers that now are forced to change.

    So, why is this question not answered?