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Autosize width columns with width 100% of webgrid

I want that the columns autosize automatically on the width of the data including the column headers.
And I want the grid to have a width of 100%, because it has to size to the width of the page.

When specifying no width(I don’t want that) to the webgrid the columns do autosize a little bit.
- columnheaders are ignored
- when a TemplateDataField(with checkbox) is added and visible autosize doesn’t work, all columns have the same width and webgrid width is 100%


In the old Ultrawebgrid(classic controls) this is done automatically!
UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.TableLayout = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.TableLayout.Auto
<DisplayLayout Width="100%">


Does anybody know if this is possible or not?

Please will someone from Infragistics respond, also if it isn’t possible.

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