Hi there!
Somehow the InitializeRowHandler is never invoked. Is there a known bug or any workaround to solve that issue?
<ClientSideEvents InitializeRowHandler="fnInitializeRow" />
function fnInitializeRow(gridName, rowId) {
alert('fnInitializeRow called.');var row = igtbl_getRowById(rowId);var posId = row.getCellFromKey('PositionID').getValue();alert('fnInitializeRow::posId = ' + posId);UpdateCalculatedGridValues(row.Id, posId);
Kind regs,Dan
Tsvetelina, thank you for the explanation.
Good catch!
Hello Dan,
As I can see you are referring the client side event.
This event is fired after a new row is added to the collection. No event is fired during data binding as the binding process is carried out on the server side.
Please refer to the online documentation :
If you want to fire the event every time I recommend you to use the server side event.
Let us know if you need further assistance regarding this.
Hi Dan,
I did a quick test myself with 10.3 latest Service Release and it isn't firing for me either. I'm making a case with our Developer Support team to have them fully research this and allow you to track the progress. You should be contacted shortly by a Developer Support Engineer.