In my ultrachart, I have provided the height and width of the graph as 300px and 400px respectively.
However, when the web page is diplayed, it introduces a horizontal scroll bar as the width of the graph is quite large.
Is there a way I can put a restriction on the height and the width of the graph?
Our chart is designed to fit all data within the chart's dimensions. The only exceptions I can think of happen if you set EnablneScrollbar = true, which makes the chart scrollable along the x axis, or if you set a manual range on the x axis. If you're not doing either of those things, I can't tell how you got the above chart. Would you mind sharing a sample project?
I tried with teh <div> tag, but it didn't work.
Just to be more clear, please have a look at the following chart.
This graph shows data upto 11 months and so we need to scroll to the right towards the end of the page.
If I reduce the height and width of the graph, it does not show up all the data. I already tried putting the chart into the <div> tag. It doesn't work.
You can try placing the chart inside a <div> that is narrower that your page. If the chart is wider than your div and you don't want the div to have scrollbars, set overflow:hidden on it.