I have an Aspx with an UltraWebGrid that is populated with columns and rows dynamically in the codebehind. The first column should contain checkboxes in certain rows. So far I've added the checkboxes by making the column a checkbox column:
The problem is that I cannot see an immediate way of controlling the individual type or visibility of each cell. Thus, all the cells in the column are checkboxes. I kan disable the checkboxes I don't need, but not hide them.
Is there a way to hide the checkboxes of certain cells in an UltraWebGrid, or hide the cell itself, or change the type of the cell?
I'm on Infragistics NetAdvantage 10.3 for .Net framework 3.5.
I am assuming you are not using WinForms? If so, I cannot really help much further as it sounds like your issue is going to require a different solution. Sorry.
I tried setting the style property as follows
With uwGrid.Rows(icounter).Cells(uwGrid.Columns.Count - 1) .Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Image
End With
doing this says
error BC30456: 'Win' is not a member of 'Infragistics'
Also tried setting the .Style peroperty to something else ...it says the property is read only
error BC30526: Property 'Style' is 'ReadOnly'
I just want to hide the checkbox cell...i don't know as i m new to this but am i doing something worng somewhere?
Your help is greatly appriciated.
Just try setting the Style property without the Activation property? The Activation property was to stop the click working, so you could handle this in another way?
I have created the checkbox column similarly. I want to hide the checkbox column based on comparison of two column values of same row and based on a specified value for a partucular cell in a row.
I tried the above code by pmillingtonhore but i m getting an error saying that
error BC30456: 'Activation' is not a member of 'Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.UltraGridCell'
Is there any way i can hide the checkbox cells of a checkbox column for a particular row?
I am not sure if you found a way to do this (in WinForms), but this works nicely for me:
With e.Row.Cells(0)
.Activation = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.Activation.Disabled
.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Image