Hi all,
how can i display custom ToolTips which relies on more than one data column when moving over data series items.
These code snippet displays the Y-Axis values as ToolTip:
this.CHART_H2O.Tooltips.Display = TooltipDisplay.MouseMove;
this.chart.Tooltips.Format = TooltipStyle.Custom;
this.chart.Tooltips.FormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:00.##>";
What I need is the X-Axis value plus the Y-Axis value such as "(<Y-Value>, <X-Value>)". Even better would be a szenario in which i can display a third column value in the tooltip like this: "(<Y-Value>:<Z-Value>, <X-Value>)"
The documentation is a little poor on the topic.
I'm using Version 10.3
i've no furhter questions yet. I'll will post whether my coding was successful or not asap.
Do you have any further questions on creating an instance of the IRenderLabel interface? This will allow you to have control on how your tooltip will display when setting the FormatString property.
Let me know if this works for you. Thank you.
Yes, if you would like to customize the tooltip to display more than one field you can create a class that inherits the IRenderLabel interface. Here's more information: https://ko.infragistics.com/help/aspnet/chart-customize-labels-using-the-irenderlabel-interface
In our samples browser shows how to create a HashTable and adding an instance of the IRenderLabel interface: https://ko.infragistics.com/samples/aspnet/chart/creating-and-using-custom-tooltips.
You can then set the LabelHash property to the HashTable instance and assign the FormatString using the key of the HashTable element.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter. Thank you.
Let me clarify my task...
This is a screenshot of what i have up to now. As you can see the tooltip shows up the y-axis values (in this case "-222,86"). What i want is that the tooltip shows me something like "Date: 03.01.2005 - Value: -222,86"
I think this requires some custom coding...?
Sounds good! I'll try it! Thank you