Hello all,
How do I display the alldayevents in the time slot area highlighting all the time slots from 12:00 to 12:00?
I don't want to display in AllDayEventArea.
Is this something that you would like after adding or updating an Appointment?
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter. Thank you.
I have records at the backend.On initial display I need to display alldayevents appointments in the timeslotarea rather than alldayeventarea.
Also when activity added or on update also ,it should be displayed in the timeslotarea only.
Hello Duane,
I have attached two images. This is on the sample page of Infragistics(FullPage sample under webschedule).Link is.
Right now what is happening is ,I have added more number of appointments for AllDayEvents in the sample.You could see the overflow of the AllDayEventArea making the timeslotarea smaller.
I need to display either scrollbars for this area or I need to display all the alldayevents in Timeslotarea.
Any help is appreciated.
Hello ssvan,
This is just a follow on whether you're able to use the ActivityAdding and ActivityUpdating events for displaying the appointment in the timeslot area.
Let me know if this works for you. Thank you.