Hi ,
I have a webdatepicker control where i just need the up and down arrow buttons and i dont
need the calendar dropdown to be clicked.I use the following parameters but still the calendar dropdown is seen.
How do i disable the calendar dropdown for time control?
ig:WebDatePicker ID="FromTime" EditMode="KeyboardAndCalendar" EnableYearDropDown="False"EnableMonthDropDown="false" runat="server" TabIndex="55" DisplayModeFormat="t"EditModeFormat="t">
Hi ssvan,
If I undestood you correctly you want to disable drop-down calendar. If that is correct, then I suggest you to use WebDateTimeEditor which is exactly same control but without drop-down calendar. If you prefer to use WebDatePicker, then you may hide button, though calendar may appear on triggers like Ctrl+DownArrow. You also may disable all triggers as well. Below are examples for both WebDatePicker and WebDateTimeEditor:
<ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server"> <buttons custombuttondisplay="None" custombuttonhotkeys="" spinbuttonsdisplay="OnRight"> </buttons></ig:WebDatePicker><ig:WebDateTimeEditor ID="WebDateTimeEditor1" runat="server"> <buttons spinbuttonsdisplay="OnRight"></buttons></ig:WebDateTimeEditor>