I'm using a WebDataMenu (Infragistics4.Web.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.1013) binding it from a WebHierarchicalDataSource whit 3 bindingssources
When I run my project some times the root menu hide some items and clicking in an item and postback the page, the hidden items unhide or viseversa. (these only in a horizontal orientation and EnableScrolling = "true" propperty)
Aparently the items hide for levels example:
In the root bind I have 6 items and the other levels in the first Item.
At the start the webdatamenu shows all items, after the first click only shows 3 items, the next click shows only 1, the next click, show all items again. (Not always is like these; and it is stronger when the control is in a table or cell with position = right)
<ig:WebHierarchicalDataSource ID="MenuWebHierarchicalDataSource" runat="server" style="margin-bottom: 0px"> <DataViews> <ig:DataView ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRootSqlDataSource_DefaultView" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRootSqlDataSource" /> <ig:DataView ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource_DefaultView" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource" /> <ig:DataView ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource_DefaultView" DataMember="DefaultView" DataSourceID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource" /> </DataViews> <DataRelations> <ig:DataRelation ChildColumns="IDElementoPadre" ChildDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ParentColumns="IDElementoDeMenu" ParentDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRootSqlDataSource_DefaultView" /> <ig:DataRelation ChildColumns="IDElementoPadre" ChildDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ParentColumns="IDElementoDeMenu" ParentDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource_DefaultView" /> <ig:DataRelation ChildColumns="IDElementoPadre" ChildDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ParentColumns="IDElementoDeMenu" ParentDataViewID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource_DefaultView" /> </DataRelations></ig:WebHierarchicalDataSource><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRootSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRoot" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="IDMenu" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="1" /> <asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue="" Name="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" SessionField="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SelectLstMenuXIDMenu" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="IDMenu" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="1" /> <asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue="" Name="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" SessionField="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SelectLstMenuXIDMenu" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="IDMenu" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="1" /> <asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue="" Name="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" SessionField="IDCatalogoNivelDeAcceso" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource><ig:WebDataMenu ID="MainWebDataMenu" runat="server" DataSourceID="MenuWebHierarchicalDataSource" EnableScrolling="True" onitembound="MainWebDataMenu_ItemBound"> <GroupSettings AnimationDuration="300" Orientation="Horizontal" /> <DataBindings> <ig:DataMenuItemBinding DataMember="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuRootSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ImageUrlField="sUrlImagen" KeyField="IDElementoDeMenu" NavigateUrlFields="sLink" TextField="sNombre" ToolTipField="sNombre" ValueField="bMostrarTitulo" /> <ig:DataMenuItemBinding DataMember="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ImageUrlField="sUrlImagen" KeyField="IDElementoDeMenu" NavigateUrlFields="sLink" TextField="sNombre" ToolTipField="sNombre" ValueField="bMostrarTitulo" /> <ig:DataMenuItemBinding DataMember="SelectLstMenuXIDMenuChildrenSqlDataSource_DefaultView" ImageUrlField="sUrlImagen" KeyField="IDElementoDeMenu" NavigateUrlFields="sLink" TextField="sNombre" ToolTipField="sNombre" ValueField="bMostrarTitulo" /> </DataBindings></ig:WebDataMenu>
Now results... I can't reproduce the error in a separate project (Sh...t).
Then may be I'm doing some thing grong.
I've been unable to recreate your experience from point #2 above. Perhaps it will be a good idea to work from your sample at this time. Please go ahead and send me your complete sample and I will investigate.
Sincerely,TroyDeveloper Support Engineer
Sorry Troy.
Let me see...
(1) Are you reporting that root menu items hide behind other page elements? And upon postback unhide, or vice versa?
For me not hide, disappear, but may be yes, they hide because if I use the arrow keys it apparently works. They not hide behind other page elements, they hide from himself. I haven't any other elements.
(2) When you say that the Webdatamenu fails to show all its items after the first click event; is it that the experience is "better" or "worse" when the control is in a table?
It is erratic. Some times it's better, some times is worse.
(3) Which web browser(s) are you using? IE7, IE8, Firefox, etc..
IE8, Mozilla, Safari, Crome.
Note: Some thing may be relevant I omitted I'm using images 64x64
Hi Astucia,
The issue of webDataMenu items hiding behind other page elements is a known issue, particularly when using IE7. There is bug logged for this. The bug number is: #67726.
With regards to the second part of your message, that is: "the Webdatamenu fails to show all its items after the first click event, but all the webDataMenu items tend to reappear after subsequent clicks". I have been unable to recreate this experience, when the control is inside a table or outside a table. Please describe for me as much as you can about this experience and I will actively investigate further.
Actually, it won't be necessary to send these additional files. I have a sample created which I can test.
I do have a few questions though, just for clarification. This information will help me for testing:
Thank you Astucia. I will return to you shortly with an update.