I am using a WebExplorerBar and I would like to change the ImageUrl property on the client side whenever an ItemClick event occurs.Unfortunately, I don't find the adequate Client API method to change the ImageUrl (if it exists), can you indicate me how to do this?
I was expecting to do something like in the JS code below, but unfortunately this "set_imageurl" function does not seem to exist. What shoud I be doing?
<code>... <ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" GroupExpandBehavior="SingleExpanded" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="250px"> <DataBindings> <ig:ExplorerBarItemBinding DataMember="RootMenuItem" TextField="Text" /> <ig:ExplorerBarItemBinding DataMember="MenuItem" DefaultText=" " TextField="Text" ValueField="MenuItemIsSelected" TargetField="_blank" ToolTipField="Text" ImageUrlField="ImageUrl" /> </DataBindings> <ClientEvents ItemClick="WebExplorerBar1_ItemClick" /></ig:WebExplorerBar>
<script id="igClientScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
function WebExplorerBar1_ItemClick(sender, eventArgs){ ///<summary> /// ///</summary> ///<param name="sender" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.WebExplorerBar"></param> ///<param name="eventArgs" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.ExplorerBarEventArgs"></param>
//Add code to handle your event here. var selectedItem = eventArgs.getExplorerBarItem(); selectedItem.set_imageurl("../Images/NewIcon.gif"); return; }///
Any hint will be very much appreciated,G.
Hello greale ,
this should be working: