I have a WebDataGrid bound to an SQL data source which displays a single column of data. The definition looks like this
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="helpGRID" runat="server" Height="55%" Width="199px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="helpSOURCE" > <Columns> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="MenuItemCaption" Key="MenuItemCaption" HtmlEncode="true"> <Header Text="Help" /></ig:BoundDataField> </Columns> <Behaviors><ig:Paging></ig:Paging></Behaviors> </ig:WebDataGrid>
It displays the dorrect records but in spite of setting HtmlEncode true I still see simple HTML formatting commands in the text that is displayed:
If you do not have a current subscription, please click on the <b>Subscribe</b> item in the menu to purchase a subscription using our secure on-line shop.
instead of:
If you do not have a current subscription, please click on the Subscribe item in the menu to purchase a subscription using our secure on-line shop.
What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards
ASP.NET Version=10.3.20103.2088VS 2010Dev Sys: Win 7 Ult 64Bit 8GB RAM
Thanks Alexander,
That works! Seems strange to me that you set HTMLencode=false when you want the control to encode HTML - which is why I did not think to try it, but thanks again for taking time to post the solution.
Hello Paul,
Thank you for posting on Infragistics forum.
In order to display HTML content in “WebDataGrid” column you may try to set “HtmlEncode” property to “false”:
Test your code with the property set to “false” and let me know what the results are.