I just upgraded to Vista 64bit, VS2008, .NET 3.5, IG 2008 vol3 for 3.5. I am now getting this error when the grid refreshes. I need to get my project into production today. Any advice?
i didn't have any errors when using Vista 32, VS 2005, .NET 2.0
Sorry, this message is for Alexander Eftimov - not Harold!!
Hello Harold!
I had this issue and moved my code to 8.3 2138 build... And was ecstatic that this issue was resolved! However, it raised a new error. It did not trigger the grid's UpdateRowBatch event. After posting on the forums and not receiving any responses/suggestions, I reverted back to 1009... Please, if you have any ideas on why UpdateRowBatch may not be working, would be grateful.. The problem I have with childnodes.length error 1) while running via VS, it stops at that piece of code and I have to click on Continue button to continue 2) I have a very strong feeling it is because of this issue that every time I open a (popup kinda) window, it opens to the front and then goes to the back - and I need to find it and bring it back to the front again - basically it loses focus... As this thread is fairly new, I hope you will respond!
Hello Harold,
Let me know if you have any further questions.
The reported by you behavior was researched and addressed from our R&D team and it is resolved in our latest service release for ASP.NET v8.3 – build 8.3.20083.2138.
You can see our latest service releases in our web site - “Support > Service Releases” and download them from “My IG > My Keys and Downloads” page.
If you cannot see/download our latest service release you may need to register your product key first. You can register your product key in “Support > Register Your Product” page.
You can view more information about this issue in this forum thread - http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/27856/107161.aspx#
If you need further assistance with this question, feel free to contact me.