My question is this, does infragistic document have the ability to retrieve a rich text file that is already set up with its own format and header and footer along with paragraph. The only data need to be add to those paragraph and letter is the person's name, etc from the data. How will this work? It work with the old application in window form, but does it work the same way on the web application, is there a way to do this?
Hello Robert,
This functionality is not supported out of the box too.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Thanks for this information. I am trying a different method instead of having rtf. does infrastigic document report have the ability to do this->
Cell Row Cell Row
like a html table???
Thank you for the snippet provided.
Currently AddRichContent method do not support this.
You can submit a feature request regarding this
Let me know if you need further assistance regarding this.
It is almost close. But i will show you example what was in the rich text file..
{\fonttbl {\f0 Times New Roman;}}
\f0\fs60 Hello, World!
not <rtf> or <b> I prefer the one what I show it to you. It is almost similar what my company are using for the rich text file, we prefer to use this and pull it in the infragistic document report in pdf or xps
I guess that you are already familiar with the below article:
You can use the AddRichContent method in order to add rich text to the report.
By default Windows Forms and ASP use the same document engine, so you should be able to implement it the same way on the web application.