I have a composite (column/scatter) chart that has two problems:
1. I can't get the Y axis to be ZeroAligned: chart.Data.ZeroAligned = true; has no effect.
2. The range seems to adhere to the scatter charts values ONLY and cause the column chart values (which have the larger range to be cut off (axisY.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle.Smart;)
How do I fix these?
This appears to be a bug. You can work around it by setting RangeMin/RangeMax on the y axis to a range that contains both the scatter and the column data. Can you please report this issue to the developer support group?http://ko.infragistics.com/support/submitrequest.aspxHere's an example of a workaround:
AxisItem yAxis = ultraChart1.CompositeChart.ChartAreas[0].Axes[1];yAxis.RangeMin = 0;yAxis.RangeMax = 100; //you would have to calculate the upper bound based on your datayAxis.RangeType = AxisRangeType.Custom;