i want to print a web chart with two tables on a single page. First I add the chart to the section:
System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = section.AddCanvas().CreateGraphics(); chart.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(graphics, (int)targetWidth, (int)targetHeight);
Then I add two tables to the same section:
ITable reportTable = section.AddTable();
After that, I get a pdf with the expacted content but on two diffrent pages. Any ideas how to prevent the page break?
Oh, yesterday was not my day. The answer is very simple:
ICanvas canvas = section.AddCanvas(); canvas.Height = new Infragistics.Documents.Report.FixedHeight((int)targetHeight); System.Drawing.Graphics infraGraphics = canvas.CreateGraphics();chart.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(infraGraphics, (int)targetWidth, (int)targetHeight);
chart.RenderPdfFriendlyGraphics(infraGraphics, (int)targetWidth, (int)targetHeight);