Hi all, i'm using infragistics ver 6.3 to generate webcharts(Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebChart.v6.3,
Version=6.3.20063.53 and UltraChart.DeploymentScenario.Scenario="Session"), and sometimes(extremely random), i get
the infamous "access denied" error image.
Then after a search, I read this kb:http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=2041
I've a mixed scenario with a pure asp page with four charts(generate them by calling aspx pages obiouvsly).Then I try to turn every caching stuff off.
On pure asp page:response.expires = -1500 response.AddHeader "PRAGMA", "NO-CACHE" response.CacheControl = "PRIVATE"response.Buffer=False
On asp.net pages(chart generating pages):protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Response.Expires = 0; Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache);
But still no luck...
Any suggestion?
Here are some addictional question:
1)There is a way to inercept the "access denied image" via javascript before diplaying it?I've seen that the output of a "good generated chart" is nearly the same of a "bad generated chart"i.e.<img style=''src='ImagePipe.aspx?ChartID=mychart_Base&KxRx=0x04813>
2)There is a way to change the "acess denied" image with some sort of custom image/custom text?
3)The last version of UltraWebChart(8.1.20081.1000) may solve the problem?
Thanks in advance
Hi Tolchinj,
Thank you for your quick answer. All the charts on the page don't fail, just some of them, three, two, one, no one... depending of the time. It 's very weird, because it's difficult to reproduce, the issue happens just sometimes. I use the session deployement scenario and I set the Id of the chart with a kind of guid (different Id per chart). My session state is in proc but I don't use a farm server or the multi processor capabilities. When I look at the link of the picture, everythings seems to be ok and names of the charts are diffferents. I try to use another version of infragistics (7.2 hotfix, 7.3 + hotfix) but I still have this strange issue.
All kind of help would be appreciate.
Hi ouabe3. I doubt I can help much, but I'm sure somebody around here can. Can you provide some more info? Are all 4 charts failing or just some of them? Do they fail 100% of the time? Which deployment scenario are you using? If it's working on XP and not Vista/2003, could it be a permissions issue for the ASP.NET worker process? Maybe it doesn't have access to the file folder (if you're using the FileSystem deployment scenario)?
Hi everyone,
I just make a up on this topic because i have exactly the same issue with infragitics 7.2 1063 hotfix. Everythings works well on a XP server, but I have sometimes access denied picture on windows server 2003 and vista. I have just one processor and I have 4 charts in four differents IFrame on the same pages, but with different id.
I search how to solve this issue for a couple of time without any results. If someone has an idea ???
Thanks, regards.
Thanks David, I think is the right answer.
I've tried the 6.3 hotfix and it seems to work. The error seems not to show anymore.
i believe there was one fix i made since the 6.3 release to prevent concurrency/timing issues with the ImagePipe. if you haven't already, try testing this with the latest 6.3 hotfix.