I currently have a WebHierarchialGrid working great but when I try to set the value of a WebDatePicker control in a row, I lose the WebDatePicker control. Let me explain further...my rows have a dropdown and a webdatepicker control in them. When a choice is made in the dropdown, I would like to default the value of the webdatepicker to the current date. Right now it turns the control into a label when I set the date. The user loses the webdatepicker functionality. How can I do this?
Current code:
var oldValue = childGridView.get_rows().get_row(activeRow._index).get_cell(10).get_value();
if (oldValue != null) {
Hi koneal,
When you call set_value on a cell, we set the text of the <td> to the value. You can also pass a second parameter 'text', that can be different than the value. It sounds like your cell is part of a templated column that has a date picker. If this is the case, and you want to set the value of the date picker, you need to find the javascript object using $find(id) where id is the id of the date picker in that cell. Then call set_value() on that object.
David Young