I am using Infragistics 8.3 and VS 2010 vb
I have a button defined like this:
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn key="DLTCOLUMN" CellButtonDisplay="Always" Type="Button" Width="50px"> <Header> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="5" /> </Header> <Footer> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="5" /> </Footer> </igtbl:UltraGridColumn>
My previous code worked and looked like this:
<a onclick="if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete order for customer AAF-MCQUAY CANADA EQ.?','Confirm Order Deletion')){}else{return false};" href="BLOCKED SCRIPT__doPostBack('_ctl2$_ctl6$grdPrevOrds$_ctl2$_ctl1','')">Delete</a>
My question is this:
What is the preferred/supported method to have a client-side confirmation dialog appear? If cancel then cancel the event otherwise post and run server side ClickCellButton
Hello LorenAtAAF,
Please let me know if you have any questions.