Hello Infragistics Team,
I am using manual load on demand on my child rows which is I have followed from an answer by Rado in this thread http://community.infragistics.com/forums/t/44916.aspx.
Problem is, it seems that the WebExcelExporter can't export the visible child bands, I have followed the procedure here on exporting https://ko.infragistics.com/samples/aspnet/data-grid/excel-exporter
Thank you and Best Regards,
Hi AgentD,
Thank you for your response. I will try to replicate this on in a local database inside a project.
The system that I made is ready for production, This is the only problem that left in terms of exporting. :(
My boss bought Infragistics because of its capability to export WebDatagrid or WebHirarchicalDatagrid to Excel files as your sales have said.
Again, Thank you!
Hi swavaldez,
Sorry for the delay in response time. Last minute details to attend to get 11.1 out. If you could attach a sample that shows this problem, I can look at it much quicker. Otherwise, it will take me longer to build a sample to replicate it. Another option is to contact Developer Support and work with them on replicating the problem and submitting a bug if necessary.
David Young
I wish some could help me on this. :(
Anyone ?