I'm using DragDropBehavior in a WebDataGrid for each row in this, I need multiple row selection for some other things, but the DragDropBehavior dosen't let me select multiple rows because once I click in a row and move the mouse to make my selection the DragDropBehavior is fire.
The problem is that I need both so I was looking for a solution to this and I look for a way to change the way the DragDropBehavior is fire, like press Ctrl Key to fire it or some other key and let the click or mousedown for selection behavior
Is a way to do this?
I have 10.3 and I set this properties but this thosen't solve my problem because
1. I don't know how many rows could be selected by the user so I can't set a constant value for this property
2. The only difference is that the DragMarkUp is shown when the pointer pass the pixel sets in this property, but the selection is not shown until the user realse the mouse click, in some way the event is fired when the click occurs
Having DragDrop funcionality in objects kills for complete some other funcionality that this could have :(
I do not know which version you are using but we had the same problem when we developed drag & drop feature in web data tree in 10.2. In order to fix this we have developed in 10.2 the following two members of DragDropBehavior object:
set_minimumStartDragShiftX: function(val)
Sets the minimum horizontal shift between mouse-down and mouse-drag points, which triggers start drag action.</summary>
/// <param name="val" type="Number" integer="true">Shift between mousedown and mousedrag in pixels</param>
Sets the minimum vertical shift between mouse-down and mouse-drag points, which triggers start drag action.</summary>
Use this to set X and Y offset of 5 to 10 pixels depending on your needs, then D&D will fire when mouse is actually moved. This should work perfectly fine.