Hi Support,
I am using ultrawebgrid. It is working fine for ie6, but in ie8 am facing 2 issues.
1.In ie6 if text is more than width of column, then it is hiding extra text, but that is not happing in ie8.
2.<RowSelectorStyleDefault Width="1px" BorderStyle="Solid"></RowSelectorStyleDefault>
In IE8 above one is applying only for parent band, it not applying for child bands.
Below is my Display layout code:
<igtbl:ultrawebgrid id="grdGrossSales" runat="server" Width="100%" > <DisplayLayout ColWidthDefault="" StationaryMargins="Header" AllowSortingDefault="OnClient" RowHeightDefault="20px" RowSizingDefault="Free" ViewType="Hierarchical" SelectTypeRowDefault="Single" HeaderClickActionDefault="SortSingle" BorderCollapseDefault="Separate" AllowColSizingDefault="Free" Name="grdGrossSales" TableLayout="Fixed" Version="4.00"> <HeaderStyleDefault Cursor="Hand" BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="White" BackColor="#9999CC" Wrap="True" HorizontalAlign="Center"> <BorderDetails ColorTop="White" WidthLeft="1px" WidthTop="1px" ColorLeft="White"></BorderDetails> </HeaderStyleDefault> <RowSelectorStyleDefault Width="1px" BorderStyle="Solid"></RowSelectorStyleDefault> <FrameStyle Width="100%" VerticalAlign="Bottom" BorderWidth="0px" Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Arial" BorderStyle="None" HorizontalAlign="Center" ForeColor="Blue"></FrameStyle> <FooterStyleDefault BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="LightGray"> <BorderDetails ColorTop="White" WidthLeft="1px" WidthTop="1px" ColorLeft="White"></BorderDetails> </FooterStyleDefault> <ActivationObject BorderColor="" BorderWidth=""> </ActivationObject> <RowExpAreaStyleDefault BorderStyle="Solid"></RowExpAreaStyleDefault> <Pager> <PagerStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"> <BorderDetails ColorLeft="White" ColorTop="White" /> </PagerStyle> </Pager> <EditCellStyleDefault BorderWidth="0px" BorderStyle="None"></EditCellStyleDefault> <RowStyleDefault BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"> <Padding Left="3px"></Padding> <BorderDetails WidthLeft="0px" WidthTop="0px" ColorLeft="WhiteSmoke" ColorTop="WhiteSmoke"></BorderDetails> </RowStyleDefault> </DisplayLayout> <Bands> <igtbl:UltraGridBand HeaderClickAction="SortSingle" AllowSorting="OnClient"> </igtbl:UltraGridBand> </Bands> </igtbl:ultrawebgrid>
Hi Tsvetelina Georgieva,
Thanks for support.
I tried with 5 px,it not applying for childbands in IE8.
my code is:
Please see below screenshot,blue color box is Parentband and red one is child band.
Hello Kavintha,
I set the Width to be 5px in order to verify that the RowSelectorStyleDefault is applied
Please refer to the attached screenshot
Thank you for help.
Yes,I verified,Before I am using Version=10.3.20103.1013.
The zip file which i set is using 10.3.20103.1013.
I installed Latest service release,Still second issue is not solved.
That is RowSelectorStyleDefault-Width="1px",it is not applying child bands.
My code is:
="Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.2134, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb"
I looked your code snippet attached and it still contains references to the RTM build
Can you please verify that you have build the sample with the last SR assemblies?
I was not able to reproduce the issue im my environment.
I am using latest service release of v10.3 (10.3.20103.2134) only.
I tried with options which you mentioned in the reply,the problems still exists.
I am sending my code in zip file.
Please help me in this.