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CellSelectionChanged in server side

I want to do some server side process on cellselection changed in webdatagrid.I was able to capture the event and get the changed values but the problem is it fires twice.once i enter the cell by clicking it fires the event, and after changing the values and when i tab out it fires the event.I want to stop it firing the event when i click and enter the cell.My behaviour setting are as below.

                       <ig:Activation  Enabled="false">
                            <AutoPostBackFlags ActiveCellChanged ="false" />
                       <ig:Selection CellSelectType ="Single" RowSelectType ="None" ColumnSelectType ="Single">
                        <AutoPostBackFlags CellSelectionChanged="true" />
                    <ig:EditingCore AutoCRUD="false" Enabled="false">
                            <ig:CellEditing Enabled="true">
                                <EditModeActions EnableF2="true" EnableOnActive="false" EnableOnKeyPress="false"  />
                                    <ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="Port" ReadOnly="true" />

  • 395


    Can somebody help me in this.I want to stop posting when I click the cell.I want the

    CellSelectionChanged of the server side to fire after I change the cell value and tab out.