My Webdropdown ContainerWidth = "600px", but the paging width is around 200px, how I can increase page section width also to 600px.
Hi Deni Vangjeli
I am using webdropdown and Paging.Enabled=True . However when Page number in clicked within the webdropdown, it showing some selection in the text field . Please provide me a solution for this .
-- Shantesh
I'm glad you fixed it,
Have a good day!
Sorry it was mistake, I found what was causing the issue. I have the following style on my page and I haven't noticed it. I copied lots of code from samples, that's why all this issues coming up. By removing this style it is working fine now.
style type="text/css">
width: 190px;
I appreciate your time so much.
here is the .aspx code:
<ig:WebDropDown runat="server" ID="ddlEquipment" StyleSetName="Default" Enabled="false" OnPreRender="ddlEquipment_PreRender" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="false" EnableViewState="false" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" AutoFilterQueryType="Contains" TextField="EquipmentName" ValueField="equipmentID" PageSize="10" EnablePaging="true" Width="600px" DropDownContainerWidth="600px" DropDownContainerHeight="300px"></ig:WebDropDown>
The datasource is a DataTable, it is from code behind. which looks like follwoing. (Never mind this is a test code that's why i have in-line sql)
private void DataBindEquipmentDropDown() { this.ddlEquipment.Items.Clear();
DataTable table = null;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PlantSymbol) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Unit)) { using (AseConnection conn = Common.DataSource.GetWorkManagementConnection()) { using (AseCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT sys.tx_sys AS system_name, cp.tx_cmpt AS comp_name, equipment.id_mpac_eqp_tag AS equipmentID, equipment.tx_equip_desc AS equipment_name FROM oper..mpa_eqpt equipment LEFT OUTER JOIN oper..pmr_sys sys ON equipment.id_sys = sys.id_sys LEFT OUTER JOIN oper..pmr_comp cp ON cp.id_cmpt_type = equipment.id_cmpt_type WHERE equipment.id_cmpt IS NOT NULL AND equipment.id_cmpt_type IS NOT NULL AND cp.id_cmpt = 0 AND equipment.cd_plnt_symb = @PlantSymb AND equipment.cd_unit = @Unit AND (CASE WHEN @SubUnit IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN @SubUnit = equipment.cd_component THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1 AND (CASE WHEN @System = -1 THEN 1 WHEN @System = equipment.id_sys THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1 AND (CASE WHEN @ComponentType = -1 THEN 1 WHEN @ComponentType = equipment.id_cmpt_type THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@PlantSymb", AseDbType.VarChar, 3).Value = this.PlantSymbol; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Unit", AseDbType.VarChar, 2).Value = this.Unit; cmd.Parameters.Add("@SubUnit", AseDbType.VarChar, 2).Value = this.SubUnit;
if (this.System == 0 && this.Component == 0) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@System", AseDbType.Integer).Value = 0; cmd.Parameters.Add("@ComponentType", AseDbType.Integer).Value = 0; } else {
if (this.System > 0) cmd.Parameters.Add("@System", AseDbType.Integer).Value = this.System; else cmd.Parameters.Add("@System", AseDbType.Integer).Value = -1;
if (this.Component > 0) cmd.Parameters.Add("@ComponentType", AseDbType.Integer).Value = this.Component; else cmd.Parameters.Add("@ComponentType", AseDbType.Integer).Value = -1; }
table = Common.DataSource.GetDataTable(cmd); } } }
table.Columns.Add("EquipmentName", typeof(String));
if (table != null && table.Rows.Count > 0) {
foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { row["EquipmentName"] = String.Format("{0} / {1} / {2} / {3}", Common.GetDefault(row["system_name"], ""), Common.GetDefault(row["comp_name"], ""), Common.GetDefault(row["equipment_name"], ""), Common.GetDefault(row["equipmentID"], "")); }
DataRow row3 = table.NewRow(); row3["EquipmentName"] = "Equipment Not Found"; row3["equipmentID"] = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}0000", this.PlantSymbol, this.Unit, (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SubUnit) ? "00" : this.SubUnit)); table.Rows.InsertAt(row3, 0);
this.ddlEquipment.Enabled = true;
this.ddlEquipment.DataSource = table; this.ddlEquipment.DataBind(); }
The following is the css file, i am using(ig_dropDown.css)
Main control CSS class
Main Control CSS class when it's disabled
Main control css class on hover
CSS class for the actual input field (<input type="text" />)
CSS class that controls the style of the LI items in the list
Applied to the whole pager
Loading message container
Styles the current page link only
Styles all page links in general
Styling for anchor when hovered anywhere on ListItem
CSS class for the table that accomodates the value display and the drop down button, and which is a
child of the main control (div)
For Disabled=True of a DropDownItem
pseudo class used so Value Display input does not have focus
glow in some browsers like GoogleChrome or AppleSafari
Krishna, can you please provide the ASP code for the<ig:WebDropDown> that you are using here? This problem doesn't happen at least if you bind it to a SQL Database. Btw, in what form is the list data?