i am biding my grid wih dataset dynamically, but when i try to expend my parent then
'no child grid script descriptors are available' error come.
i am creating the data relation between id and PId in dataset, but
How can i resolve this problem?
<ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="testGrid" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AutoGenerateBands="false" runat="server" DataKeyFields="Id"> <Columns> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Description" Key="Description" Header-Text="Description" /> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Id" Key="Id" Header-Text="Description" /> </Columns> <Bands> <ig:Band Key="Id" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyFields="Id" ShowHeader="false"> <Columns> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Description" Key="Description" Header-Text="Description" /> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Id" Key="Description" Header-Text="Description" /> <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="PId" Key="PId" Header-Text="Description" /> </Columns> </ig:Band> </Bands> </ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid>
I have missed the "DataMember" property of the band to set:
so i set the DataMember="Level2"
<ig:Band Key="ChildId" IsSelfReference="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyFields="ChildId" ShowHeader="false" DataMember="Level2">
i have also set the grid "InitialDataBindDepth" property to "1" in order to load the child band data:
Thank you,
you saved my life :D