I have created a context menu inside the child band of WHDG. My question is how to get a datakey of row on which user made right click and context menu appears? I want this value on server side.
Any help will be appreciate.
Hello Mitesh,
Here is a sample:
Hope this helps
Hi Radoslav,
If possible can you please provide a example of this? I want to get the Datakeys of selected rows on either client or server side.
Hello Mit,
Probably you could handle grid's click client –side event and register your function there. Note that as an argument in this function will be passed the Item(cell) object that has been clicked in the grid, based on this you should be able to select a row from the grid programmatically. In that case if you have “AutoPostback” flags of RowSelectionChanged event call to the server will be issued and you will be able to access the selectedRows collection of the grid to get the selected row.