I need to style each node of the tree differently based on the data it is bound to. Ultimately, it's really just changing the color of the text so I am not changing much. I am binding it to a datatable and one of the columns could be the "CSS name" , "color" , or like. Can this be done automatically during binding or is this something I have to iterate through the nodes to do?
Hello bobkrug,
you could handle WebDataTree1_NodeBound and then check for some condition and apply css for the particular node:
protected void WebDataTree1_NodeBound(object sender, DataTreeNodeEventArgs e)
//Check if the value of the node is equal to 10
if (e.Node.Value == "10")
e.Node.CssClass = "active";
}Check this post http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/39982/225719.aspx# ,the issue is the same as yoursPlease let me know if you need additional assistance