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Error in Excel Exporter, do not work

I get the next error when trying to export a ultrawebgrid to excel, I have the datagrid in a webtab control, this is the message:

mensaje recibido del servidor. Este error suele producirse cuando la respuesta resulta modificada por llamadas a Response.Write() o cuando los filtros de respuesta, los HttpModules o el seguimiento de servidor están habilitados.

Detalles: Error de análisis cerca de '�ࡱ�'.

How can I solve this?, my grid only contains 6 or 7 rows, I'm using Infragistics 10.3 and clr 3.5, using default configs for exporter, no custom especification

Thank you for the help

  • 555

    I have tested the control in a new project, the diference bettwen the on with the problem and the new one, is that the new one do not use the webscriptmanager, in the new one, no error is raised, the problem aparently occurs when I use the webscriptmanager and the exporter together in the same page, please, some help in this