Hi. I've tried to enable resize on an UltraWebDataGrid, but with no luck. Whenever i try to resize columns, I just get an icon with a stopsign.
I've tried looking at the sample, but this does not produce this error. I've tried adding all of my columns to the resize list on Behavious.ColumnResize, nothing changes.
My grid is here.
</script><ig:WebDataGrid ID="dgTask" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="100%" DataMember="OrTaskView2"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyFields="TaskID"
AltItemCssClass="rowAlternat" ItemCssClass="rowNormal"
DefaultColumnWidth="100px" oncolumnsorted="dgTask_ColumnSorted"
<ig:Sorting Enabled="true" AscendingImageAltText="Stigende"
<ig:Selection Enabled="true" CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single"
<SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanging="RowSelectionChangingHandler" />
<ig:Paging PageSize="50">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="TaskID" Key="TaskID" DataType="System.Int32" Hidden="True">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="TaskUID" Key="TaskUID" Width="60px">
<Header Text="Nr" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="StatusText" Key="StatusText" Width="65px">
<Header Text="Status" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="AssigneeUID" Key="AssigneeUID" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Delegeret" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Narrative" Key="Narrative" Width="130px">
<Header Text="Emne" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="CDateTime" Key="CDateTime" Width="75px" DataFormatString="{0:d}"
<Header Text="Oprettet" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="CUser" Key="CUser" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Oprettet af" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="EDateTime" Key="EDateTime" Width="75px" DataFormatString="{0:d}"
<Header Text="Rettet" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="EUser" Key="EUser" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Rettet af" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="PriorityUID" Key="PriorityUID" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Prioritet" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ETCDateTime" Key="ETCDateTime" Width="75px" DataFormatString="{0:d}"
<Header Text="Forventet afsluttet" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="AreaUID" Key="AreaUID" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Område" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ClassificationUID" Key="ClassificationUID" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Klass." />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ReportedUser" Key="ReportedUser" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Anmeldt af" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="NoOfActions" Key="NoOfActions" Width="30px" DataType="System.Int32">
<Header Text="A" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ReadByAssignee" Key="ReadByAssignee" Width="30px"
<Header Text="Læst" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ReportedVersion" Key="ReportedVersion" Width="100px">
<Header Text="Version" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ReportedName" Key="ReportedName" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Kundenavn" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ServiceTag" Key="ServiceTag" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Service tag" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="AccountNumber" Key="AccountNumber" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Kundenr." />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ReportedPhone" Key="ReportedPhone" Width="75px">
<Header Text="Tlf." />
<ig:TemplateDataField Key="DateIcon">
<Header Text="Dato ikon" />
<asp:Label ID="imgLabel" runat="server"
<ig:TemplateDataField Key="StatusIcon">
<Header Text="Status ikon" />
<ig:TemplateDataField Key="PriorityIcon">
<Header Text="Prioritets ikon" />
<ClientEvents DoubleClick="doubleclickHandler" />
I got it to work just fine, after creating a new form and recreating the grid on that form. Only difference between the grids was that I had put rowAlternate/row classname on the grid on the first form.
But the form started acting very strange. The grid suddenly required all of my postback routines to be javascript, so I started from scratch again.
This appears to be a fluke, just forget about it, sorry.
I followed the steps you suggested and was unable to reproduce the behavior you're describing. I am able to resize the columns of the webdatagrid.
I have attached the sample project I used to test this. Please test this project on your PC; whether or not it works correctly may help indicate the nature of this problem.
If this sample project is not an accurate demonstration of what you're trying to do, please feel free to modify it and send it back, or send a small sample project of your own if you have one.
Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
Note: Please include ig_res directory into sample project before running it.