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Updating menu in update panel (serverside) issue



I'm using WebDataMenu control (11.1.20111.1006)

When i update (change menu items) on serverside and update UpdatePanel where menu is placed (sometimes after first update, but always after two or more updates) i'm receiving js errors when clicking on simple asp:button which is calling ajax postback.

Not receivng errors when doing __doPostback.

I can add that we are using ajaxcontroltoolkit scriptmanager:

// Version:     3.5.40412.0

// FileVersion: 3.5.40412.2


Issue is placed here (/******************************************Collections Manager**************************/):


get_transactionList: function(index)


///<summary locid="P:J#Infragistics.Web.UI.CollectionsManager.transactionList">

/// Returns the json Transaction List of the collection at the specified index.


///<param name="index"> index in the collections list </param>

///<returns type="Object"> transaction list </returns>

return this._clientStateManagers[index].get_transactionList()


this._clientStateManagers is null here

Could you please have a look and check what is wrong here.

Control setup:

<asp:UpdatePanel UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" EnableViewState="false"  ID="TopMenuClustersUpdatePanel" >


                <ig:WebDataMenu ID="TopMenuClusters" EnableScrolling="true" runat="server" MaxDataBindDepth="1" AutoPostBackFlags-ItemSelected="Off" ScrollingSpeed="VeryFast" EnableAjaxViewState="false" >

                    <ClientEvents Initialize="IE7ZIndexAdjust"  ItemUnhovered="removeSelected"  ItemSelected="clusterSelected"  />

                    <GroupSettings Orientation="Horizontal" Width="750px" Height="100%" EnableAnimation="true"

                        AnimationType="OpacityAnimation" AnimationDuration="200"  />


                        <ig:DataMenuItemBinding DataMember="Table" ToolTipField="Name" ValueField="ID" KeyField="ID" TextField="Code" Depth="1" />






                <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GroupsDropDown" EventName="SelectionChanged" />

