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Freeze column and OutOfMemoryException


I have a webdatagrid and want to freeze the column in code behide. The first time when grid binded , the memory was up from 2.33GB to 2.34GB in task manager, but when I refreshed this control and binded again, I saw the memroy is going up to 3.41GB, and got this exception.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The issue is caused by this code.

this.wdgGridView.Behaviors.ColumnFixing.FixedColumns.Add("Select", FixLocation.Left);

If I don't freeze the column, the memory is fine whatever how many times to bind, but when I freezed one column, the issue is happened.

If I reload whole page, it's fine, but I don't want to do that, I only want to refresh the webdatagrid in updatepanel only.

BTW, if I set EnableViewState is false, that will be fine, but if true, I will get this issue again. I want to keep EnableViewState is true.


WebDev.webServer40.ExE*32 was running out of memory.


